You can’t scale the human side of your business if your website isn’t set up to have an organic conversation with your customers. An “organic conversation” in this context can be cultivated by designing a website navigation around customer intentions.
A customer likely has many intentions when using your site. On Monday, they may intend to do one thing; on Wednesday, something else or many things. Knowing what your customers intend to do, and designing your digital property’s navigation around these intentions, promotes “organic” conversation. As a result, your website serves your customers, rather than mirrors your internal company structure.
No matter what any AI experts says, no technology will ever substitute having an actual conversation with a representative. We’re wired for and crave human connection. BUT, coming closer to that type of interaction – a conversation between you and the customer online that happens through organic website navigation rooted in customer needs – pays off in spades.
Why design your site’s navigation around customer intentions
First, your customer experience – a person’s perception of your brand – is everything when it comes to customer monetization and retention. It’s the intangible value on your balance sheet. Your goodwill.
Second, findability improves when the customer is able to navigate your site according to what they need. NOT, according to how your business is structured.
Third, delight – the unexpected magic of “how did they know I was looking for that?” – is the X-factor most businesses lack. It’s the differentiator in today’s competitive marketplace. Creating this delight is easier than you think when you know what someone’s intentions are for any page on your site.
And, finally, with enough repeat, organic, delightful interactions over time, customer loyalty – a.k.a. the holy grail – improves to such an extent that the T in your SWOT analysis loses its importance. Competition can’t compete when your values meet your customers’.