CX by Design

Our latest thinking on how you can create meaningful customer connections.

CX 101: What is human-centered design?

CX 101: What is human-centered design? 2000 600 Diana Sonis

In our last article, we said that CX and UX follow the principles of human-centered design (HCD). You’ve probably heard quite a lot about businesses “being human-centric” or “taking a…

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CX 101
CX vs. UX

CX 101
CX vs. UX
1600 889 Lis Hubert

Previously in this series, we’ve answered the questions “What is CX?” and “What is UX?”. However, many professionals get CX and UX confused; some people even think they’re basically interchangeable.…

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CX 101: What is UX?

CX 101: What is UX? 2560 1945 Diana Sonis

CX. DX. EX. UX. The business world is awash with Xs, and we’re not even counting the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. These Xs are all about experience:…

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CX 101: What is CX?

CX 101: What is CX? 2560 1696 Lis Hubert

Welcome to the series CX 101, where we answer common questions about Customer Experience and how it fits into your organization. Caring about the customer experience isn’t new; it’s been…

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The CX by Design Process: How We Work

The CX by Design Process: How We Work 1200 800 Lis Hubert

One of the first things people ask us about the CX process is “How does it work?”. We get this question from prospective clients, business contacts, and basically anyone who…

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How CX by Design does feedback loops

How CX by Design does feedback loops 2560 1707 Diana Sonis

Feedback loops are a huge part of successful CX. While all businesses know and understand the value of feedback, why are feedback loops in particular so important? And how do…

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