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CX by Design

Our latest thinking on how you can create meaningful customer connections.

Identify Growth Opportunities Using Human-Centered Design

Identify Growth Opportunities Using Human-Centered Design 2560 1440 Diana Sonis

Human-Centered Design (HCD) is about understanding and meeting human needs in business, but how do you identify growth opportunities using Human-Centered Design?  As a business, you have customers (or at…

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The Most Overlooked Steps of Empathy

The Most Overlooked Steps of Empathy 2560 1707 Lis Hubert

What are the most overlooked steps of empathy? Let’s start with a story. Imagine this. A marketing leader and 4 other team members are in a meeting discussing what they…

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Active Listening & Customer Research: What Not to Do

Active Listening & Customer Research: What Not to Do 798 532 Lis Hubert

In our series on Active Listening, we’ve not only introduced what Active Listening is, but we’ve provided a practical introduction to utilizing the method in customer research. In the latter…

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Active Listening & Customer Research: A Practical Introduction

Active Listening & Customer Research: A Practical Introduction 1910 1276 Lis Hubert

The last piece in this series provided a conceptual look at how to practice active listening when facilitating customer interviews. Our advice was to “simply be present”; though anyone who’s…

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Are You Listening?

Are You Listening? 798 532 Lis Hubert

It’s been mentioned time [1] and again [2] that Active Listening is a key component to exercising empathy. Further, we all know by now that empathy is a main focus…

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